Return of the Mack

We celebrated my Dad’s birthday, at a restaurant! I was thrilled to be out and happy to eat someone else’s cooking and drink someone else’s cocktail. This was before the restrictions started ramping up again. GET VACCINATED AND BOOSTED, PLEASE.

Back to a happy place. We went out to dinner, and I saw Return of the Mack on the drink menu – a bourbon cocktail with Black Walnut bitters and maple syrup. The maple syrup was promising, and I envisioned it bringing the nuttiness of the bitters forward and balancing it with a good bourbon. Unfortunately, what I got was a heavy hand with the bitters that completely wrecked what had so much potential.

 For the love of a balanced cocktail, hence forth, always use one less dash of bitters than you feel are needed. You’re welcome!


~Kimberly Elise 



Brown Derby


P’s Blush