P’s Blush

I created a new cocktail that is yummy. Point blank. The end.

Ok, not the end; but the cocktail is yummy.

My LS, P, had a few of us over to celebrate her birthday. P’s husband likes bourbon. His bar is a wonderland. If you’re in his house, you’re welcome to his bar. I never abuse that open invitation, but I love his generosity. He’s a good dude, loves my LS madly, spoils their adult daughters in a good way – he is my brother for many reasons. I wanted him to taste Legent. I wanted his thoughts, I knew mine. He liked it neat. Not sure if it will make it to his bar; but he enjoyed the pour. P is slowly becoming a bourbon drinker, so I knew I needed to make a cocktail for her.

With my bourbon choice made, I wanted a touch of Solerno Blood Orange Liqueur to give it a twist and since P needed something to balance both alcohols, I knew I needed some type of juice.  My final addition, Pink Cranberry Juice.  

The girls LOVED ‘P’s Blush’, I mean we crushed a bottle of Legent. A full bottle. My yummy claim was affirmed, many times over; lol. It is light and refreshing and goes down easy. Real easy.

The color is a weaker version of a Shirley Temple, hence the Blush name. The Solerno adds some depth to the cocktail. I can see adding a splash of club soda to make it bubbly and drinking this all summer long. If we are still under restrictions in the spring, it will surely be my cocktail for Spring 2022.



~Kimberly Elise 


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