2 Brown Girls & Bourbon

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Holiday 2020: Cranberry Bourbon Cocktail

A few years ago before there were 2 Brown Girls & Bourbon, I hosted a holiday open house. I had people coming and going all day and my poor sister and niece working the kitchen like it was their full time job. Note to self: next time hire servers and a cook or think long and hard on the menu. I had candied bacon on the menu and let me say that it was not something that could be done in advance AND it was a BIG hit. We, really they, couldn’t keep up with demand. Thank goodness for family.

Anyhoots, I created a signature cocktail – cranberry simple syrup and bourbon and if you wanted bubbles, I added a splash of club soda. It was perfect. Festively red, easy to make in advance and most importantly delicious. I decided to kick off Holiday 2020 with this classic. I’ve been tweaking the recipe and even garnished with some rosemary – meh. It was pretty but didn’t add much to it and if you’re making it in bulk, that becomes a problem 😉

This is my first of several holiday classics for 2020. Because, you know it is 2020 and bourbon makes it bearable. What’s your holiday cocktail this year?

~Kimberly Elise
