Cinnamon Drop😉

One of my Line Sisters was celebrating, safely, her birthday weekend. There were several events as well as donations collected to purchase sheets and towels for a women’s shelter. And while I didn’t participate in all of the activities, I did participate in one, a small gathering at a cigar lounge. Limited number of attendees and the place was vigilant with the temperature checks and cleaning. Did I say vigilant – think @MyBigFatGreekWedding with the @Windex – ha!  It was serious and I appreciate it and felt comfortable.

I’m not a cigar smoker; but I was going to share some birthday cheer. Some way. Somehow. I missed the memo to pregame. ☹ How I missed the memo, I. Do. Not. Know. But I arrived expecting to buy a couple of drinks and enjoy the sights and conversation.


Never fear. Like all legiit Line Sisters, mine do not disappoint. Another Line Sister had @Fireball miniatures in her purse – because she was prepared. I’ve never tasted Fireball; and of course, I was up to try it – because everyone needs a Drop of Cinnamon (The Sweets understand the reference).

It was surprisingly easy to sip. The cinnamon is present on the nose and light on the palate. My inner bourbon snob recoiled that dare I say I might like it. I may not add it to my bar; but I at least know that I can drink it neat or on the rocks and be ok and sometimes that is more than enough!

~Kimberly Elise



Holiday 2020: Cranberry Bourbon Cocktail


Elijah Craig - Big Bourbon