Derby Pie Cocktail

I was feeling nostalgic about my trip to Kentucky and creative, so I went to The Lab, also known as my kitchen, to create a delicious Kentucky Derby Pie. I first tried it during my trip. I don’t remember the restaurant we went to for lunch; the food was tasty but the Kentucky Derby Pie was divine. The homemade crust was buttery goodness that only comes when lard is used. I’m southern, what can I say, homemade pie crusts require lard. While dense, the pie has chunks of semisweet chocolate with a walnut base and splash of bourbon – of course. 😉

The holidays are here, and I knew I wasn’t going to have the patience needed to make this pie for the first time. And let me be honest, I don’t make pie crusts from scratch and I haven’t found a store bought version that is even close to what I tasted. So, I did the next best thing, I created the flavor profile – chocolate, walnuts and bourbon – in a cocktail.

This year’s holiday drink is the Derby Pie Cocktail.

I didn’t know walnut liqueur was a thing, but yeah, it is and I’m here for it. It’s sweet with a subtle nutty flavor. Now, if you aren’t into that, and how can you not be; then this drink isn’t for you. Turns out, my sister isn’t into it. ☹ Geesh!

I made this one drink at a time but when the demand became too much, I made a batch and it held up well.



~Kimberly Elise 


Walnut Old Fashioned


Warm Chai Bourbon