Walnut Old Fashioned
No matter how many times I swear I’m not going to buy some random mixer, liqueur or bitter, I simply can’t help myself when I fixate on a cocktail I want to make. Which is how I find myself with a half bottle of walnut liqueur – we did enjoy the Derby Pie Cocktails though. However, the milk in those limited how many we consumed. Dairy is not always kind. 😊
Anyhoots, I enjoyed the walnut liqueur more than I thought I would. You can never go wrong with an Old Fashioned with a Melanin Twist TM! Voila, the Walnut Old Fashioned was born.
When you’ve used all of your ice blocks, use what you have.
In a word delicious. I may like it more than the Derby Pie Cocktail, simply because without the milk I can drink more of them. Don’t judge me.
Creating it is so simple and the liqueur added a subtle nuttiness. This one is going into rotation, or at least until I finish the bottle.
Happy New Year. Wishing you joy and happiness today and every day.
~Kimberly Elise