Wisteria Blush
Butterfly Pea Lemonade
Legal (barely) and well seasoned loved this lemonade.
I was hired to come up with a signature cocktail and oh what a fun project. I have very few rules - it needed to be colorful and couldn’t be fussy to make. I could use any type of liquor. Of course, I used bourbon; though truthfully, vodka would have cut my planning time by over 60%. But I love a challenge, and some of the outtakes led me to think about other drinks.
Wisteria Blush is THE drink that may be my sip all summer long. It’s refreshing and the fresh ginger adds a little zing. Using butterfly pea tea made it colorful. After making literally gallons of this wonderful elixir, I learned a few things
1. Butterfly tea is pretty but the color may vary batch to batch. Beauty is fickle. 😊
2. Homemade lemonade is best – full stop.
3. Use a lower proof bourbon. It should be present but not forward in the cocktail.
4. Be exacting in your proportions when making batch cocktails.
A little surprise for my clients - gelatin shots.
My client LOVED it. It was a hit at their party and they now consider it their house drink. Win|Win.
Stay tuned, I’m going to tweak the recipe to amplify the color of the butterfly pea tea so that my match doesn’t equal a gallon. I can’t wait.
~Kimberly Elise