2 Brown Girls & Bourbon

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Bourbon + Peanut Butter, yes please

It smells like and tastes like peanut butter without an artificial taste.  If I closed my eyes, I would have thought I was drinking liquid peanut butter, it is that smooth.  I immediately said I liked it and after a few additional sips, so did G. By his fourth sip though he said it was too sweet and added ice.  I on the other hand loved it and tried to figure out where I tasted something similar.... and then it hit me!

It tastes like a Lindt peanut butter truffle.  Exactly. like. it. I immediately started thinking about all of the cocktails I could make with this glass full of deliciousness.  G gave me his and proceeded to crack open the Woodford Reserve. LOL

I haven't finished all of our travel size bottles, but I would definitely buy this for the home bar.  It's really good after dinner, to have instead of dessert.

Kimberly Elise


I was recently in the store with G, and like every time, when we go in there for bourbon, we are inevitably tempted by something new and different. This time was no different. We went in for a bottle of @Woodford Reserve - his favorite - and ended up leaving with three additional bottles. I swear, the young'ish salesman was so good I wish he worked on commission. He was delightful.

As we were buying far more than we intended, checking out for the second time, he mentioned @Screweball peanut butter flavored whiskey.

Now peanut butter is something I always have on hand at my house. I eat it by the spoonful, straight from the jar. So I had to try it. Evidently a lot of people feel the same way because the full size bottle was sold out. Luckily they had several travel size bottles and we purchased 4 - making it our third time in the check out line. Oy!

When we got home there were so many things to try, but I had to start with peanut butter flavored whiskey. Neat, of course :-)

G and I each poured a bottle, toasted and sipped slowly. He cocked his head to the side, analyzing it. He's never liked anything sweet, so I wasn't sure what he was thinking. Me, one word - yummy.

It smells like and tastes like peanut butter without an artificial taste.  If I closed my eyes, I would have thought I was drinking liquid peanut butter, it is that smooth.  I immediately said I liked it and after a few additional sips, so did G. By his fourth sip though he said it was too sweet and added ice.  I on the other hand loved it and tried to figure out where I tasted something similar.... and then it hit me!It tastes like a @Lindt peanut butter truffle.  Exactly. like. it. I immediately started thinking about all of the cocktails I could make with this glass full of deliciousness.  G gave me his and proceeded to crack open the Woodford Reserve. LOL

I haven't finished all of our travel size bottles, but I would definitely buy this for the home bar.  It's really good after dinner, to have instead of dessert.

~Kimberly Elise
