2 Brown Girls & Bourbon

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Moroccan Old Fashion

After a long day of air travel, the stress of leaving the Prince - who is 3 and overall angst of being a working mother, I arrived at a cute hotel - #RenaissanceMinneapolisHotel, The Depot.  The hotel has an old world feel, a touch modern and incorporates its former use as a train station in the décor. 

I quickly dropped off my bags and made my way to the hotel bar for a late dinner and a cocktail.  Checking the cocktail menu first, I was intrigued by the Spice Market Old Fashioned. Local bourbon - sign me up. Garam Marsala spice - I like.  Moroccan bitters - willing to try. And so I did.

It was tasty.  Savory unlike a traditional Old Fashioned.  The bitters and the Garam Marsala didn't over power it; but you could definitely taste them.  It was well balanced and like I said tasty.  It mellowed considerably as the ice melted and that wasn't a bad thing.  The drink did it's job; my shoulders were no longer up around my ears with stress and I was able to enjoy my cocktail and my meal.

My second round I ordered a traditional Old Fashioned. I had to compare the two - for research purposes.  ;-)

Kimberly Elise
