Montenegro Derby

My niece, the young prince and I went out for Chinese food, which is one of my favorite cuisines. I like a little bit of a lot of dishes. I also like for them to have some heat to them. I don’t want it too hot that I’m sweating; but I do enjoy some kick that peppers bring.

Montenegro Cocktail

I was curious to see what cocktails they had and quite frankly I wanted to try someone else’s creation. I opted for the Montenegro Derby. My love of the Brown Derby is well documented! It is one of my favorites. So I had try this take.

I went in thinking I knew what this was going to taste like. And while not the same flavor profile as the Brown Derby, it was going to be close. Uh yeah, I was wrong. The Montenegro liquor added an interesting twist to one of my favorites. It is both citrusy and bitter- the blend is complex, in a good way. It doesn’t come close to the Brown Derby, but I would order it again. 


~Kimberly Elise


Apple of My Eye


Jalapeno Strawberry Smash