Bourbon Cream

During the December holiday, without fail, I am on a mad hunt for bourbon cream. I have so many ideas of what to incorporate into my holiday baking. It’s insane how creative my mind gets with something I’ve never tasted. And without fail, I can’t find it. When I say I hunt, I’m calling relatives up and down the east coast and alas, there is none to be found. So I was particularly excited to see a bottle or several in the liquor store.

I kid you not, I believe it had a ray of sunshine hitting it.

I showed restraint and bought one bottle and not twelve. I was tempted, boy was I tempted. Restraint won out. I tasted it neat and it good. Think Bailey’s – creamy and smooth but with bourbon! I added it to my coffee and I didn’t love it. At all. Let me say that I’m a bit of a purist, I only use cream in my coffee and I don’t particularly enjoy frou-frou coffee drinks. I am inspired to try this over ice cream with an extra shot of bourbon – I think that will be amazing.

I’m not sure this is something I’ll keep in the house; but if I stumble across it during the holidays and start baking with it, I just might.


~Kimberly Elise


Sage Against the Machine


Grapefruit Old Fashioned