Strawberry Rhubarb Smoke

My rhubarb syrup is delightful. And while I am enjoying my Rhubarb & Rye, I can’t stop with only one cocktail with this liquid pink ambrosia. I have dreams of making a rhubarb shrub next year. For now, as the season of rhubarb comes to an end; I am savoring every sip as I parse out the very last drop.


It’s strawberry season! You know where this is going – a strawberry and rhubarb cocktail. I got fruits and veggies in my drink and it’s not a Bloody Mary. Yes, I went there. And then, I took it up a notch and smoked the cocktail. You have tart, sweet, spice and earthy goodness. It’s a home run.  

Full disclosure – I tried the drink before I smoked it and it was good. Really good, like I’m not sure you have to smoke the cocktail to make it and enjoy. Smoking it kicks up a notch; but honestly the trifecta of strawberries, rhubarb and rye is pretty great. Since I’m working with a limited amount of rhubarb syrup, I decided to muddle the strawberries rather than make a miniscule amount of rhubarb/strawberry syrup. I topped it with rye and ice and smoked it.


My first attempt - I went overboard on the smoke, and it overwhelmed the rhubarb. Even after I let it sit and air out a bit it was a lot. I drank it; but it wasn’t balanced. My second attempt I smoked for under a minute. Just that quickly, I had a more balanced cocktail. I could distinguish the different flavors and the delicate tartness of the rhubarb syrup didn’t get lost in the mix.

My Mother declared my rhubarb syrup ‘tasted weird’ – philistine! But when she tasted my strawberry rhubarb cocktail, she liked it. Like took over my drink and finished it, liked it. 

I can’t wait until rhubarb season next year; I will be buying in bulk.

I am declaring 2022 the year of rhubarb!


~Kimberly Elise


Pretty Ice Cubes


Rhubarb & Rye? Yes, Please