2 Brown Girls & Bourbon

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Strawberry Basil Smash

I love a Smash. They’re easy to make. They use fruit that’s in season. And, the possibilities of combinations are endless.

This week’s cocktail was going to be strawberry mint. My wonderful neighbor gave me mint last summer and it has come roaring back. It is a forgiving herb because I did not take care of this plant. But then, I looked around my kitchen and realized I had some basil that was on the cusp of turning bad and decided to use that.

In a word – delicious. My strawberries were juicy so I didn’t need to add any sugar to the drink; but you can if yours aren’t. I muddled strawberries,4 basil leaves and a squeeze of lemon juice in a glass, toped it with ice, added bourbon and topped it with soda water - voila’, a new favorite is born. The soda water lightens the flavor and made this a deck sipping favorite.

You’re welcome!



~Kimberly Elise