2 Brown Girls & Bourbon

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S’mores Old Fashioned

Last year, before variants were a thing, a restaurant had a picture of a Campfire Old Fashioned with a large, toasted marshmallow. I’m not sure if it was the HUGE marshmallow or the drink; but whatever it was I wanted it. Alas, like so many things during the year I can’t remember; I never made it to the restaurant to try it.

Fast forward to now and I wanted to make something different and decided to copy the drink. I don’t remember all the ingredients; but I remembered the marshmallow and with that little nugget, I was off and running. I knew I wanted to amplify the marshmallow flavor and decided to try to make a marshmallow simple syrup. Yes, you read that correctly – marshmallow simple syrup. Two words to describe it – toasted goodness. As you would suspect, it is very sweet; but I balanced the cocktail with a drop of chocolate bitters. The final touch, I rimmed the glass with crushed graham crackers. It was delicious. And the best part, you can reduce the simple syrup if you want it less sweet. This one is so good.

Toasted marshmallow and gooey chocolate - yummy goodness

I wanted to make sure I didn’t have a one hit wonder and if I could recreate it, I could and I did! My taster said – ‘bottle this and sell it.’ It is a hit.

My taster approves! :-)

Fussiness level – high. The simple syrup takes some planning; but once made, assembling the cocktail is as easy as any Old Fashioned. It’s worth the effort.

Final taste – make it, it’s worth it.

What’s your favorite recreated cocktail?


~Kimberly Elise


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