2 Brown Girls & Bourbon

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Sage Against the Machine

I saw this cocktail while out to dinner with girlfriends and I LOVE the name. Love it. So of course I had to order it.

Made with brown butter washed rye, demerara sugar and a touch of absinthe. I have a love hate relationship with sage in cocktails. I want to love it; but when I use it at home, it takes me too long to get it right and I end up hating it. Ha! Sage requires a light touch and that is something I do not have. The first homemade cocktail inevitably has too much sage and I must make it again and pay attention to my proportions – something I hate doing.

Anyhoot, back to the restaurant cocktail. The nuttiness of the brown butter was subtle but balanced nicely with the bitterness of the absinthe. The demerara rounded out the cocktail so that you had a great mix of savory, sweet and sour.

Would I order again? Not sure, but I enjoyed it while I was sipping it. 😉

~Kimberly Elise 