2 Brown Girls & Bourbon

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Reset and Recharge

Hello Brown Girls! I am alive; but whew, it’s been a minute. What can I say other than life has been life’ing.

So what’s the answer when I need a reset? Soft living. I read a few articles about the concept, and it resonated deeply with me. Being gentle with myself, defining what works and what doesn’t for me and being intentional in who I spend time with and what I spend time on. I am prioritizing self-care, indulging in some much-needed me time and focusing on people and experiences that make me happy. In other words, I am reconnecting with my spirit and concentrating on what brings me joy.

I am embracing soft living. Full Stop. I recently went to the enchanting land of bourbon country, and let me tell you, it was nothing short of spectacular. My sister and I went to celebrate her birthday and our quick trip turned out to be the perfect remedy for this weary Brown Girl's soul. The anticipation of indulging in the exquisite flavors and wonderful meals had us giddy. Bonus, I got to spend quality time with one of my favorite people. If you don’t have a sister or a sister friend that is one of your favorite people - get one. Let’s talk, cause you need one.

We had a time - a wonderful adventure and oh, how I can’t wait to recount a few of our highlights. Every sip was an elixir to my spirit.


~Kimberly Elise