2 Brown Girls & Bourbon

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The Perfect Manhattan

I enjoy a Manhattan. But not all Manhattan’s are created equal. Some are too sweet. Some use a high proof bourbon that overshadows the vermouth. For a cocktail with so few ingredients, it is surprisingly easy to mess up. Now don’t get me wrong, I’ve never met one that I couldn’t consume; but for sure there have been some that I’ve enjoyed more than others!

So when I stumbled across a recipe for a Perfect Manhattan I was intrigued. I had questions. Was there a specific bourbon that I should use to compliment the dryness with the vermouth? Was there a recommended proof I should use? Or perhaps a particular brand of vermouth that worked well with bourbon? No, no and no.

The answer – add equal amounts of sweet AND dry vermouth to bourbon and a few dashes of @AngosturaBitters. Voila, the Perfect Manhattan!

Again, a Manhattan, Perfect or other classic, is an easy drink to make. And if you’re a purist, this may not be “Perfect” for you. But I enjoyed it. The vermouth duo brings out a complexity of the bourbon that I didn’t taste when I tried it neat. Would I make again, probably; but I like to tinker, so I may try it with Rye or perhaps try a different bitter.


~Kimberly Elise
