2 Brown Girls & Bourbon

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My Road to Bourbon

Like any enduring love affair, my road to bourbon was a tad bumpy

I came to bourbon out of vanity. There, I said it. I love the way a glass of bourbon looks in a woman’s hand. The juxtaposition of a strong male drink in a feminine hand. How the light hits the liquid and the amber notes shine through.  A woman drinking bourbon owns the drink and the room. I think of a raspy voice with a don’t give a damn attitude. I think of Katharine Hepburn in The Philadelphia Story.  She is who I want to be when I grow up.

A love affair that starts out because of looks is bound to be troublesome.  And oh boy.  Since I was determined to drink bourbon I tried quite a few until I found THE ONE.  I started with one step up from rail drinks.  Can we say rock gut?  My eyes water thinking about the burn of those early drinks.

And then I came across the one, #BasilHayden.  It is smooth yet complex on the nose.  The caramel color carries through the nose as does the cinnamon flavor.  It is quite simply delicious.

My palate has enjoyed each sip. Each taste.

~Kimberly Elise
