Mother. Full-time Employee. Short Order Cook.
Full-time Housekeeper. Full-time Teacher. All Around Entertainer.
Juggling Life
How I’m feeling RIGHT NOW
What in the ever-loving world?
COVID-19, I am over it.
Working from home with a toddler with a sassy mouth is not for the faint of heart. I mean, for real? My new normal:
wake up at 5 AM to log get some uninterrupted work done before the young prince awakens.
Young prince awakes and wants to watch TV or go to school, it really depends on the day.
Get breakfast number 1 fixed, plated and consumed for the young prince while taking conference call number 3.
Read over daycare’s INSANE curriculum for the day and queue up Sesame Street.
Conference call and work.
Try to limit Sesame Street and Netflix.
Mid-morning snack.
Practice writing letters.
Conference call number 5.
Conference call number 6 requires me to sit in front of my computer – no multitasking. Damn.
Afternoon is a repeat of the morning
Log off at 4:30
Go outside and kick soccer balls or play with dinosaur toys if it is raining
Begin dinner prep
Bath time, reading time
House is quiet, log back on for an hour or two
Finally go to sleep
I realize there is a global pandemic, I really do; but whew I’m feeling like Ms. Shirley Ceasar in my house. You name it, I’m doing it.
I’m taking it neat. Cheers to the weekend!
TGIF. How ya’ll managing?
~Kimberly Elise