Jack Daniel’s Bonded

One of the many things I love about bourbon is talking to other enthusiasts. I was at a cookout recently and met a fellow bourbon drinker. I shared my north star – Basil Hayden and he shared that he liked a lot of different bourbons but he’s currently drinking Jack Daniel’s Bonded. At 100 proof, this is higher than what I normally drink but he described it as an easy pour to drink that was sweet with a lot of baking spice to it. I think he said that last part about the baking spice, if he didn’t; I clearly picked it up on the nose.

This is a review in three parts.

First sip: beautiful, rich amber color. If warm would be a color, this would be it. There’s a lot of alcohol on the nose. It opened up my nose and I wasn’t congested! There is a lot of alcohol with this one. However, at 100 proof, I would expect nothing less. I knew I was going to have to let this breathe a bit; but first I needed a sip. More alcohol on the nose and the mouth. Yup, this was going to sit a while and get some air.

Second sip: after sitting for 20 minutes or so, it opened up and the alcohol scent wasn’t nearly as strong. Still there, but I was able to pick up other flavors – baking spice and a sweetness, caramel maybe? The air opened the flavor up as well and the taste definitely baking spice. Still, this was stronger than my normal bourbon, so I decided to add a few drops of water.

Third sip: a few drops of water opened this up even more. The water softened the bourbon, made it palatable. The caramel came out even more and the sweetness is elevated. I like it with water. This has a long finish and stays with you, I like it.

Final verdict: not sure if this is going to be my go to, but I see several cocktails with this Tennessee Whiskey in my future.


~Kimberly Elise



Summer Breeze


Apple of My Eye