2 Brown Girls & Bourbon

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Fibonacci on the Fritz

I belong to a subscription service where each month there is a featured alcohol. I joined it to expand my palate and I’ve found some good ones, like @Bombay Sapphire East.  That is delicious and I don’t even like gin.  But for the most part, I love the months that feature bourbon – duh.

This month is whiskey, American to be specific. The first drink I made was Fibonacci on the Fritz.  I made it with @Balcones Baby Blue corn whiskey.  The drink is potent and tasty. I usually riff on a recipe. I’m pretty good at looking at a recipe and adjusting to what I like. But this time I followed the recipe to a T… and I know what I need to adjust for round two.

The ingredients are whiskey, cardamom-apple-maple syrup, lemon juice, orange juice
and black walnut bitters.  First off, anything with cardamom I’m all in.  I love cardamom in most everything, so when I saw this as an ingredient, I was ALL IN. I also fresh juices with my bourbon, or in this case whiskey.  I find it brings out the undertones of the liquor.  Finally, a drink in a coupe glass will always be the win.  Though I used a small’ish martini glass, but same difference.  There is something about the coupe glass that makes me feel like I’m in Barcelona with my feet in the Mediterranean Sea listening to some great European house music.  That’s a happy place and sometimes you need it during the week.

What I didn’t love was the bitters.  At some point, I’m going to give up on bitters.  I keep hoping beyond hope that the next one will be the right one. I’m still searching. But until then, I will make my next Fibonacci on the Fritz minus the bitters and enjoy a heck of a drink. I can’t wait!

~Kimberly Elise
