2 Brown Girls & Bourbon

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Dutchess Private Reserve

Taconic Distillery’s Straight Bourbon Whiskey Dutchess Private Reserve is, quite simply, delicious.

I haven’t had a first sip this good in a really long time. I mean really long.  

The color is a dark, warm amber and oh so pretty. And bonus, It also has great legs in the glass. Give it a swirl and it oozes back into the glass slowly. The nose is heavy alcohol initially with some sweet baking notes which was a bit of a disconnect with 90% proof and the intense aroma; but I soldiered on. I read somewhere that you should smell alcohol with your mouth partially open to get all of the aromas and not overwhelm your senses with the alcohol scent. I don’t know why this works; but it does. When I tasted my pour, I wasn’t overwhelmed with alcohol. I could taste it; but I was able to discern other elements as well.

Dutchess Private Reserve is a sweet bourbon. The flavor profile is sweet with vanilla undertones or baked goods. It is deceptively easy to drink for 90 proof and seems light enough to drink throughout the summer. I envision many a summer evening, on my deck enjoying a pour.

The bottle has a nice feel to it and the green label is subtle but brings the warmth of the bourbon forward.

Long/short – BUY THIS. You will thank me for it.


~Kimberly Elise