Cranberry Orange Cocktail

My mother and now my sister make a cranberry dish for Thanksgiving. None of that canned stuff for us, we like the homemade goodness with cranberries and oranges. It’s chunky and more like a relish or chutney than gelatinous goo. The flavor profile made me pause to see if I could replicate it in a cocktail – I can!

I tinkered with this one a bit and here’s where I landed: you need a BIG bourbon. Higher proof the better because the ingredients demand it. Along with the bourbon, I added an ounce and a half of cranberry simple syrup and expressed orange oil over the finished drink. If you want to punch up the orange flavor, you can add a dash of orange bitters. The cranberry simple syrup can be sweet or tart. This one is a bit tart; but tasty, nonetheless. This would also make a great frozen drink in the spring - note to self to try it.


~Kimberly Elise

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