2 Brown Girls & Bourbon

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Bourbon Year Round

My recent post on IG| 2browngirlsandbourbon. I meant every word.

It also prompted my sister to tell me that I need to write about all of the cocktails I make with seasonal fruit. And I shall, but before that, I thought I’d do brief write up on the various fruits and how much fun I have shopping at farmer’s markets. I like to speak with the sellers and I love supporting small businesses and farms. I even volunteered at a local farm, in triple digit heat to help them get ready for their summer planting. It was a Green Acres moment for sure.


  • Apples – on their own – I don’t see it. But an apple simple syrup in bourbon is pretty tasty. 

  • Pears – nah. Too soft in texture and flavor profile for bourbon


  • Lemon – quite tasty. Squeeze and then add the rind for a twist.

  • Orange – see above

  • Grapefruit – see the lemon, but also makes a great simple syrup


  • Blackberries – my love of blackberries with bourbon is well documented.

  • Strawberries, raspberries – meh. I love them but I don’t think they add anything to the drink.

  • Orange berries – aren’t bad. They are tart and are a nice garnish with a slightly sweeter bourbon.

Stone Fruit

  • Cherries – Manhattan, ‘nuf said

  • Peaches – my sister’s go to is to soak peaches in bourbon. i’ll go with it.

  • Apricots – I like dried apricots, so I’d likely do the above with these

What’s your go to fruit with bourbon?

~Kimberly Elise
