Blueberry Cinnamon Punch

As I work my way through bottles that I don’t love, I really can’t fathom throwing away alcohol. I need to do something with it. Luckily for me, I like to experiment in the kitchen, rarely do I follow a recipe. Thankfully that holds true with drinks too. Some of my best drinks are just randomly throwing things together that have complimentary flavor profiles.

Which leads me to my latest syrup – blueberry cinnamon. I found myself with more blueberries than we could eat before they started getting soft. Ordinarily I would have thrown them in some muffins and called it a day; but in the time of COVID-19, we need to lay off the muffins.  Likely need to lay off the bourbon too; but heck NO!


The cinnamon added dimension without overpowering the blueberries and the bourbon rounded it out. I recommend a high proof bourbon to balance the sweetness of the syrup. For my second drink of this batch, I got a bit heavy handed with the bourbon. Not necessarily a bad thing; but it through off the balance and my drink became a blueish/ purple bourbon. Pretty to look at but not nearly as tasty. LOL I added in a splash of club soda and it cut down the bourbon.


I would classify this as a batch cocktail. You can make this for a party and it doesn’t require a lot steps and you can prep it in advance.


~Kimberly Elise



Thirst Quencher


Michter’s US 1 Small Batch Bourbon