2 Brown Girls & Bourbon

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Michter’s US 1 Small Batch Bourbon

Nose – alcohol hits first and lingers. Then caramel, or perhaps some baking spice. And then I pick up butterscotch and everything else went out the window. Butterscotch is all I smell right now. I like it.

Palate – alcohol. A lot of alcohol. Then a bit of spice, cinnamon maybe. I taste butterscotch; but I’m probably experiencing some hangover from the smell.

Backstory - I’ve wanted to try @Michter’s for a while but every time I’ve gone to the store to pick it up, a different bottle would capture my eye. I’m easily distracted in some areas; bourbon tasting is one of them. Michter’s strikes me as an old reliable: always available, mid price point and should be kept in the house for those who don’t know what they like but are willing to try it. And it is; and that is a very good thing.

~Kimberly Elise
